by Purple Fish Healing | Feb 1, 2021 | Week 2 Challenge
“Pile all of your clothing in one spot.” 👗 “Pile all of your clothing in one spot.” 👗 Grab all of YOUR clothes from every part of your home and pile them up in one spot. 👙 Normally, when I work with my clients we tackle clothes in 4-6 hrs. That way, my clients are not...
by Purple Fish Healing | Feb 1, 2021 | Week 2 Challenge
Day 9: Learn How to Joy Check I often hear my clients mention that they cannot tell what clothes spark joy. What solves that problem is choosing the 3 most favorite clothes from the pile. Once you determine your top 3 favorite clothes, hold them in your hand and check...
by Purple Fish Healing | Feb 12, 2021 | Week 2 Challenge
Tidy Core Clothes I often hear my clients mention that they cannot tell what clothes spark joy. What solves that problem is choosing the 3 most favorite clothes from the pile. Once you determine your top 3 favorite clothes, hold them in your hand and check in to see...
by Purple Fish Healing | Feb 12, 2021 | Week 2 Challenge
Tidy Intimates & Athletic Wear Joy Check ✩ Bras✩ Underwear✩ Socks✩ Stockings✩ Athletic wear In addition to Joy check, check and see if there are any holes. Separate them intoSpark JoyThank you & Goodbye pile Happy...
by Purple Fish Healing | Feb 12, 2021 | Week 2 Challenge
Tidy Accessories Joy Check Handbags Shoes Belts ɬ Scarves Jewelry If there are any items that are broken but still spark joy, create a pile for repair. Take them out for repair right away! Separate them into Spark Joy Thank you & Goodbye pile Happy...
by Purple Fish Healing | Feb 12, 2021 | Week 2 Challenge
Fold & Store 👚 💕 THANK YOU & GOODBYE Find the appropriate place to send your clothes you are saying Goodbye to with gratitude. You can Sell them, take them to the Donation center, Recycle or Give Away, etc. If you are giving your clothes away to your friends...