Michelle Shinagawa
I am Michelle Shinagawa a certified KonMari space and life organizer, Reiki teacher & healer, and graphic designer.
I have many years of experience in spirituality and healing, so, I’m confident that I can guide you in transforming your space while transforming your life too. I also have a keen sense of beauty as a graphic designer and can bring out the sensibility in you and your space for I grew up in the Zen culture of Japan where the KonMari Method® was born.
Growing up, I was never a tidy one. My socks are often scattered on the floor and my drawers are always left open. I was too focused on my work and busy living the life in New York City.
My tidying journey started in August 2016 when a friend of mine helped me clean up my kitchen. My friend mentioned Marie Kondo. Overnight, I was obsessed with Marie Kondo and her KonMari method.
I read all Marie Kondo’s books and watched her videos on YouTube in English and Japanese. The practice of keeping only things that spark joy resonated with me. Instead of feeling guilty on throwing things, I have learned to appreciate and say goodbye to those that no longer serve me.
The biggest motivation of the KonMari method is the fact that I only need to tidy up once in a lifetime. I am fascinated to realize that I don’t have to deal with endless tidying, and will be able to save time and energy for more important things in my life.
I was able to happily let go over 900 books, 500 outfits and 2 full car load of items that no longer serve me. I thought tidying up is impossible because of my incredibly busy schedule and the sheer volume of items I owned. But I pursued it and completed my once in a lifetime tidying festival.
The freedom I felt after my once in a life time KonMari tidying festival was incredible.
I was used to being trapped with cluttered home. But now, I can easily let go of any items I have so they can serve someone else. I can focus on my work or other activities because there are no scattered items at home. Now, I feel like I am living in my dream home that I thought was impossible to have. So, if I could do it, anyone could have their dream home, too. I want to help people like me to live a life surrounded by treasured items that spark joy.
In September 2017 I attended American KonMari consultant seminar and have been working as a KonMari Consultant since then. I was already certified in America but in February 2021 I attended the Japanese KonMari consultant seminar and now I am certified in Japan as well.
Now that I am dual certified, I have a whole new level of understanding of the KonMari method and how I can support my clients even better.
I realized my strength in helping my clients is to have them organize their minds so that they are able to tidy up their homes in a way that works for their ideal lifestyle. I can absolutely say that each client has a unique process and lessons to learn and I enjoy helping them discover their own unique journey.
What’s amazing about the KonMari method is that it does not end at organizing our homes. Once you hone your skill of choosing things that spark joy, you will also be gaining the skill of living a life that sparks joy!
I can say that I was already living a blessed life before…but now, living a life that sparks joy gives me the freedom to choose opportunities that I want to pursue without any limitation.

After completing my once in a lifetime KonMari tidying festival, I was able to build my dream lifestyle where I can help my clients in multiple modalities in different cities. I was able to travel – which is one of my big passions. I went to over 50 cities in a year and spend one third of my life traveling before the pandemic.

Right now, I have been enjoying exploring the world and helping my clients via online meetings since the implementation of lockdown.
I am grateful of working from home since I am now surrounded by items that spark joy. I have been able to navigate my life with the opportunities that spark joy and was able to shift my business and lifestyle dramatically with joy!
How do you want to spend your time ?
What sparks joy in your life?
Do you want to spend more time with your loved ones?
What is your dream ?
Do you want to create a home office that sparks joy and be more productive?
I am inviting you to start your KonMari journey with me, so you can let go of what’s not serving you anymore and live a life that Sparks Joy.

Having you here made so much easier and faster!
“Thanks so much for all your help. I could not have done this without you, and that’s the truth. Having you here made so much easier and faster. My kitchen feels great. YEAH!!! I am definitely enjoying my pantry. It works so nicely.”