My Before and After KonMari
Then I did KonMari method. What worked for me was the fact that I became focused on the positive – keeping things that bring me joy. The biggest impact came from the realization that by holding onto the things that no longer served me, I am disempowering my stuff. I felt bad about letting things go. But I realized I am empowering my stuff by letting them go to serve somewhere else. I am in the business of empowering people and did not realize that I was doing the opposite to my stuff.
Since then, I have thanked all the items that no longer served me and then sold, donated, given away, or threw away things that no longer brought me joy. What I love about it is that my clothes or stuff that was sitting in my closet for years are now getting used by others and serving its life purpose. 🔆 They were not made to sit in my closet. They were made to be used. It brings a smile to my face when I see my friends wearing my old clothes (sometimes as far away as Paris) or having them tell me how useful the item was for them.